Everyday ingredients - bacon, onion, vinegar, and sugar - beget sophisticated results from a one-skillet recipe, submitted here by Suzanne Jenuleson of...
Everyone loves old-fashioned macaroni and cheese, and this one comes together in no time flat. Grating cheeses, whisking eggs and milk, and stirring everything...
Browning Italian sausage, colorful bell peppers, and onions before stewing them with tomato paste and chicken broth gives the resulting ragu tons of flavor....
Each time we made this delicious dish, with its savory sauce, in our test kitchen, it disappeared within minutes -- we think the same thing will happen...
Cook tonight's dinner with the leftovers already in mind and the next night is a no-brainer. Use leftovers from this light-yet-satisfying meal for Pork...
Using a bone-in ham is important because bone intensifies the flavor of the meat. A bourbon-glazed ham is an Easter dinner classic. Each serving should...
Pork shoulder is an inexpensive cut of meat, and since it cooks slowly at a low temperature, it is also relatively hands-off.From the book "Mad Hungry,"...
Freshly roasted peppers give this hearty pasta a smoky taste. If you like, you can use jarred peppers, thinly sliced, instead of making your own, and skip...
Traditionally, these beans were cooked in a low-heat oven almost all day. This on-the-stove version cuts the time in half without compromising flavor....
Wrapped in foil, the spiced ribs oven-cook in intense heat; the foil locks in their moisture for supremely tender results. On with the sauce and over to...
Delicious as a simple snack, Asian pears also work well with savory and sweet dishes. Its snappy texture is good with greens, prosciutto, and dates in...
Irish bacon with cabbage is the original, quintessential St. Patrick's Day dish. This version, which includes a mouthwatering parsley sauce, is from "Forgotten...
Pork shoulder, a well-marbled cut available at most supermarkets, turns fork-tender after long, slow cooking. Ours is especially succulent with a spice...
Moo shu is a sweet and savory stir-fry typically made with pork and thinly sliced cabbage and vegetables. At the table, the mixture is then tucked into...
This budget-friendly Southern supper is just right for fall. Andouille is a spicy Cajun pork sausage. As an alternative, you can use kielbasa or another...
This stunning main course is just the thing to serve for a special occasion or holiday dinner. Turkey breast is pounded thin and rolled up with a stuffing...